by Kristen Figgins

So, you finished a great lesson and now you need to know how much of the content has really sunk in for your students. Do they know what thesis statements are now? What are they taking away from your lecture about well-focused sentences? Sure, you could do a reflection, but if you have a spare twenty minutes or if the topic is really important, why not ask them to meme it?

Let your students work in groups and ask them to use sites like Canva, Imgur, or LiveMeme to summarize their takeaways. The quick, more memorable assignment will reinforce their learning and you might get a chuckle at the end of the day. Win-win!

Kristen Figgins is a doctoral graduand in English at the University of Arkansas. Her specialization is nineteenth-century British literature, critical animal studies, and adaptation. Her current research involves tracing how developments in natural science and animal rights philosophy are adapted in transhistorical literature.